After having completed more than 1 year of the health contingency , the physical closure of companies and the implementation of the remote work modality in most of them, the physical and emotional health of the collaborators became even more a priority issue for the organizations . It is for this reason that the new edition of the OCCMundial “Labor Thermometer” investigated the mood and current emotional health of work teams.
Regarding the above, 6 out of 10 professionals surveyed consider that the work team of their organization in general feels somewhat exhausted or “burned out”, which is known as “ burnout ”. 20% considered that everything in their organization remains normal and the remaining 19% indicated that they are motivated.
“In the different studies we have carried out on our user base, we have detected that people say they work more, rest less, suffer from anxiety or simply have lost their way in their work after sanitary confinement,” said Sergio Porragas, Director of Operations (COO) of OCCMundial. “It is for this reason that it is more relevant than ever to look at the emotional health of employees, both for compliance with NOM-035 and for the productivity of companies.”
On the other hand, professionals were questioned about the times of the day when they have the highest productivity. The majority (61%) consider that the mornings are when they are most productive, 20% consider that the afternoons are when they progress more easily and it is easier for them to complete their tasks and 19% work better at night. Related to this, companies consider that the productivity of their employees remains normal (43%) or low (39%).
Regarding the personnel hiring plans by the companies, the percentage of companies that are hiring in critical positions (37%) continues in balance with the percentage that is hiring normally (37%), others maintain their hiring on hiatus (14%) and 12% are hiring more than before the pandemic.
This is reflected in the job offers published on the site , which total 73,500 during the week of April 16 to 22, 2021, this number is 12% lower than the vacancies published before COVID-19. The sectors that had a greater increase in the supply of employment were Manufacturing, Engineering and the Health Sector, the three sectors with 10% growth. On the contrary, those that showed the greatest decrease were: Construction (-14%), Mining (-12%) and Marketing (-3%).
On the other hand, in its 51st week, from April 16 to 22, the “Labor Thermometer” revealed the expectations of companies regarding their recovery, half (54%) consider that their economic recovery will be towards the end of 2021, others consider it short-term towards May 2021 (33%).
Additionally, the “Labor Thermometer” highlights the following data this week:
- Salaries of 5,000 to 10,000 pesos per month continue to be the most offered (28%).
- The states with the fewest vacancies created are: Baja California Sur, CDMX, Chiapas, the State of Mexico, Nuevo León, Puebla, Querétaro, Quintana Roo, Sonora and Yucatán.
- The categories with the least created vacancies are: Administrative, Art and Design, Social Sciences and Humanities, Communication, Sports, Law, Education, Marketing, Human Resources and Tourism.
- Regarding the national radar of the labor situation, it can be highlighted that due to the timing of the closing and beginning of the year:
- CDMX registered an 18% increase in Accounting vacancies.
- Nuevo León, 34% more in Customer Service job offers.
- Jalisco had a 30% growth in Manufacturing vacancies.
- Estado de México registered a 21% increase in sales offers.